Not sure if Michele Morrow’s wish for security will go over well.
Cameras in certain places on school campuses are a great tool have.
Too many cameras in all places on a school campus is not a good idea. It’s more like a dystopian measure.
There are other actions that could be enacted to allow for safer schools.
Here is what Morrow is suggesting:

WFAE’s report makes reference to an earlier social media post of Morrow’s.

This is a rather ironic turnaround for Morrow considering she has made remarks that have called school shootings staged productions of the “Deep State”.

This is also the same person who called for public executions of high ranking officials in national government.

There are no suggestions on Morrow’s part to keep guns out of the hands of people who would bring guns into schools, but the idea to put cameras everywhere on a school campus feels like a push to create a police state inside of public schools worthy of being mentioned in Project 2025.
A camera in each classroom has a many legalities to consider, but what Morrow is proffering seems to ignore the fact teachers more than often have to teach very large numbers of students in small spaces and must work in environments where their words and observations do not carry weight and due respect.
Schools are safer when there are more EYES to keep on students. That requires enough qualified people and enough time and freedom to allow for teachers and administrators to monitor students without feeling unsupported by others or weighed down with more duties than can be performed.
Instead of cameras everywhere, how about investing in more teachers who are paid well enough to be able to become a consistent presence in each student’s school experience.