In most cases if someone was to proclaim that there was cat litter being placed inside of public school bathrooms to accommodate students who chose to identify as a being that required such needs, people would laugh it off and then immediately dismiss it.
But in today’s political climate where the loudest voices seem to have the thinnest of skins and the most flammable of emotions, such a notion is given validity to the point that it makes national news.
This was not that long ago. Every so often it still appears in a conversation.

That blurb came from The Guardian in 2022.
The rumor made its way around the country – even to Wilkes County, NC.

And for those students who are not using kitty litter because they have transformed into felines, they have the option to get a sex change at school (according to some who want to be in office).

Wonder what Michele Morrow would say about this if she was questioned in a candidate forum.