As we ready ourselves for another new calendar year and return to begin the second half of our school year, please remember all those people who could have done the right thing and helped public education more.
From delaying budgets, betraying voters, to expanding nontransparent vouchers, those who qualify for copious lumps of coal are many, but these are the top deserving recipients in terms of public education.
Jefferson Griffin
Because he lost his election and won’t accept it. And the whole nation is watching it.

So what are the implications for public education in Griffin’s unfounded challenge? First, there is the civics lesson that he teaching our kids. He literally is trying to get the very court he lost an election for to overturn the voters’ will. That’s egregious enough.
Secondly, his being on the NC Supreme Court would guarantee that the LEANDRO decision would have been ignored for years to come as he would have cemented a GOP majority for the next several years.
Cecil Brockman

Cecil Brockman has been in the NC General Assembly for over a decade and his defense over Tricia Cotham’s switch to the GOP thus creating a supermajority was as shallow an explanation as any ever given by Berger or Moore.
Cecil Brockman, a Democratic representative from Guilford, was quoted as saying he did not “blame her a bit.”

Pushback for not showing up to vote on an important issue?
He’s been in the NCGA for over FIVE terms. He knows better. And this is what he said just this past month when he was absent for a vote on overriding the governor’s veto.

Actually Rep. Brockman, your constituents who voted for you need you to stand for the issues they sent you to Raleigh to fight for. If you can’t handle doing that, then don’t run for office.
Three Specific Western NC GOP Representatives
Yes, they need to be called out because they put party over people and used their constituents’ misfortune as a ruse to deepen a gerrymandered hold on power that goes against the will of the voters’ wishes.
These three GOP state representatives voted against SB382, the power grabbing bill masquerading as a hurricane relief bill.

On December 11, 2024, all three changed their votes to help override the veto on SB382. No explanation to the people. Nothing changed in the bill for those they directly represent.
The NCGA Members Who Used “Hurricane Relief” As A Cover For Power Grab
This past month the NCGA expanded vouchers overriding a veto with a gerrymandered supermajority that passed a hurricane relief bill that doesn’t even give relief directly to western NC people.

All for power against the people’s will.
NC Supreme Court For Deliberately Ignoring LEANDRO

The court deliberately did not act on the LEANDRO case as the 2024 session came to a close.
Michele Morrow
She was absolutely unfit to run DPI and thank goodness she was not elected.
There is a website that explicitly shows the multiple examples of the actions and words attributed to Michele Morrow that more than prove that she was unfit to lead the public schools of North Carolina.
It’s called “The ABC’s of Michele Morrow” and can be found at

Every letter of the alphabet shows another example of her distorted platform.
For instance, when you click on “C” for “Cameras in Classrooms:”

…you get this

My personal favorite is for “T” and the fact that the current state super who is in the same political party won’t even endorse her.

Mark Robinson
For missing votes.
For making it all about him.
For well… so much more.

He even missed a second meeting on Hurricane Helene relief.

And how is that lawsuit against CNN going?

The New Hanover County Board Of Education
Communities are learning in a rather serious manner that each election for each seat on each local school board is of vital importance.
New Hanover County on the coast of NC is teaching us that right now. Partisan politics has turned the school board into the biggest obstacle in serving the public school students.
Take a look at this:

WECT’s report is worth the watch just to listen to the BOE members comment.
So, what does the BOE do as its first response?

At the heart of a school board’s responsibilities are supporting a selected superintendent, guiding the creation of policies and curriculum, making sure there are adequate facilities, and seeing that budgetary needs are met.
Remember that a local superintendent is hired by the school board and reports directly to the school board. While the survey in New Hanover County is a reflection of the superintendent, it is more of a reflection of the school board as they are the people ultimately responsible for the performance of a local school system – in this case one the the state’s biggest.
Tricia Cotham
Voucher expansion doesn’t happen without her switch of parties.

RFK, Jr.
The bill has been filed.

Mr. Rounds is Sen. Mike Rounds from North Dakota.
It specifically states:

“All functions, programs, and authorities of the Secretary of Education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1460 et seq.) shall be transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services.”
This is the person who has been nominated to head the Department of Health and Human Services:

This could have drastic effects on the health of school children.