Timothy and Philip’s Ideal Job Description Of The North Carolina Teacher

Seems that this state has a lot of classroom vacancies.

And if you want to be one of the lucky candidates for any of these positions, remember that there are some “unwritten” but very apparent qualifications that need to be met before our lawmakers want you teaching our kids.

1. Have A Fear Of Calling Students Something Different Than A Birth Certificate States.

And on page 7:

Look closely at (5):

And never think that if parents know their students best as so many in education reform insist, then why would teachers have to inform parents how their students identify.

2. Be Willing To Out Students Who Are Not Heterosexual Or Don’t Conform To 1950’s Societal Norms.

See above, especially this part:

3. Have A Complete Lack Of Understanding Of How Budgeting Works.

In an odd-numbered year, a budget is set forth to encompass the next two fiscal years. Amendments to the budget can be made in even-numbered years. Furthermore, if a budget is not passed, then the state automatically reverts to the previous budget’s recurring spending levels.

More specifically (from the NC Budget and Management site):


So, when someone like Philip Berger tries to frame the narrative that they are going to give an “X”% average raise in teacher salaries, he is not really being thoroughly forthcoming.

In fact, it is a gross misinterpretation of the reality.

What Philip and Timothy are really claiming to the public has a timing problem.

But many people forget that when budgets are written for the state, they are biennial budgets: two-year budgets.

When teachers were said to be getting a “X” % pay raise in “this budget,” it meant it is over a two-year period.

Might also want to look at the difference between recurring and non-recurring funding.

Wait, Philip and Timothy don’t want you to know that.

4. Have A Complete Ignorance Of What Teachers Used To Receive.

5. Have No Idea What LEANDRO Is.

This state sits on a large manufactured state surplus and wants to extend more corporate tax cuts while conditions in the public schools exist to the level. Philip and Timothy do not want teachers to think about the deficiencies in public school funding explained clearly in the Leandro Report BEFORE THE PANDEMIC STARTED.

They don’t want you to look at the entire report – Sound Basic Education for All – An Action Plan for North Carolina.

These were the 12 basic findings.

  • Finding #1: Funding in North Carolina has declined over the last decade.
  • Finding #2: The current distribution of education funding is inequitable.
  • Finding #3: Specific student populations need higher levels of funding.
  • Finding #4: Greater concentrations of higher-needs students increases funding needs.
  • Finding #5: Regional variations in costs impact funding needs.
  • Finding #6: The scale of district operations impacts costs.
  • Finding #7: Local funding and the Classroom Teacher allotments create additional funding inequities.
  • Finding #8: New constraints on local flexibility hinder district ability to align resources with student needs.
  • Finding #9: Restrictions on Classroom Teacher allotments reduce flexibility and funding levels.
  • Finding #10: Frequent changes in funding regulations hamper budget planning.
  • Finding #11: The state budget timeline and adjustments create instability.
  • Finding #12: There is inadequate funding to meet student needs.

6. Be Very Paranoid About The Red Herrings Of CRT & Indoctrination.

The leader of the GOP in the state of NC and its presumptive nominee for governor, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, has gone a long way in making sure you believe the facade that he is defending our public schools from teaching a “version” of history that “indoctrinates” students with radical beliefs.

Philip and Timothy want Mark to be governor.

In 2021, Robinson started a petition to lobby the very state school board he serves on.

Then he went on to create F.A.C.T.S.

And you can still issue a complaint on the Lt. Gov.’s official website.

Please note that not a single complaint has led to a merited investigation of any teachers in this state.

Here are the criteria for submission:

What to submit:

  • Examples of discrimination or harassment related to a student’s faith, ethnicity, worldview, or political beliefs;
  • Examples of unequal, inconsistent, or disparate treatment of students in the enforcement of school rules and/or in disciplinary matters;
  • Examples of students being subjected to indoctrination according to a political agenda or ideology, whether through assigned work, teacher comments, or a hostile classroom environment;
  • Examples of students being required to disclose details regarding their individual race/ethnicity, sexual preference, religious ideology, or economic status
  • Examples of students being exposed to inappropriate content or subject matter in the classroom, including matters relating to substance abuse, profanity, or of a sexual nature.

7. Possess An Ignorance of How Retirement Pensions Work.

Here is the salary schedule that was in place for the 2024-2025 school year and will still be in place if a new budget is not passed that changes it.

For those who are not teachers, make sure to pay attention to years 15-24.


10 years of the same.

Someone who has been teaching for 24 years makes the same as someone who has been teaching for 15.

Amounts toward retirement will be the same.

Not much of a raise in the last couple of years with rapid inflation.

Philip and Timothy don’t want you to think of that.

8. Do Not Encourage Students To Think Critically And Do Not Teach Books Not Condoned By Hillsdale College.

9. Be Willing To Kowtow To The Most Vocal Minority Of Parents.

Philip and Timothy do not want you to know that the loudest voices do not always represent the majority of voters and what anyone says on social media is read by so many more people than you think.

10. Do Not Mind Being Called Disparaging Names.

Here’s Don Jr. from a 2018 rally in El Paso, Texas:

“You know what I love? I love seeing some young conservatives because I know it’s not easy. (Crowd applauds and shouts.) Keep up that fight. Bring it to your schools. You don’t have to be indoctrinated by these loser teachers that are trying to sell you on socialism from birth. You don’t have to do it. Because you can think for yourselves. They can’t.” 

11. Do Not Know That Teachers Are The Only State Paid Employees That Do Not Get Longevity Pay.

In the long session of 2014, the NC General Assembly raised salaries for teachers in certain experience brackets that allowed them to say that an “average” salary for teachers was increased by over 7%. They called it a “historic raise.” However, if you divided the amount of money used in these “historic” raises by the number of teachers who “received” them, it would probably amount to about $270 per teacher.That historic raise was funded in part by eliminating teachers’ longevity pay. Similar to an annual bonus, this is something that all state employees in North Carolina — except, now, for teachers — gain as a reward for continued service. The budget rolled that money into teachers’ salaries and labeled it as a raise. That’s like me stealing money out of your wallet and then presenting it to you as a gift.

12. Don’t Realize That NC Is The Only State In The Country That…

Philip and Timothy do not want you to know that there is only one state in the country that combines the lowest legal minimum wage, no collective bargaining rights, no Medicaid expansion for over a decade, loosely regulated voucher and charter school expansion, and a school performance grading system that measures achievement over growth. North Carolina. And they don’t want you to know that there is no other state that has a lower state corporate flat tax.

13. Be Willing To Teach With Outdated HVAC And Mold.

14. Don’t Be A Part Of NCAE.

The News & Observer editorial staff printed an op-ed in 2021 about the anither attack from the John Locke Foundation / Civitas Institute against the North Carolina Association of Educators.

What Philip and Timothy also don’t want teachers to know is..

The study points to well-organized teachers’ unions as being the important defender of education spending. Since education is the biggest part of state’s budget, it’s the easiest place to cut during a recession. We’re not saying that these states have bad intentions, we’re saying that if advocacy from the group that’s directly impacted by those cuts is weakened, then they’re going to be quicker to cut them.”

The above is a quote by the main researcher in a recent study released from the University of Georgia which studies the impacts on education spending by states when there is a strong teacher union present.

14 qualifications. Not hard to fulfill at all.

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