Want To Meet Trump’s Possible Secretary Of Education?

That is, if he does not destroy the department first as dictated in Project 2025.

However, this guy makes Betsy DeVos look tame in some ways except DeVos’s money gives her the power to finance people like…

Oklahoma’s Ryan Walters.

If you follow national educational news, you surely would have come across Ryan Walters, the young firebrand of a state superintendent in Oklahoma.

To say that he is a Christian nationalist would be accurate. His words and actions as the top education official in the heavily red state are well-known.

Walters is the face of the movement to overtly inject evangelical Christianity into public schools and he has others who wish to emulate his tactics and strict non-separation of church and state.

Michele Morrow seemed to openly praise Walters in her campaign that nearly placed a person who emulated Walters into the top education office in North Carolina. Fortunately, Mo Green was elected in a state that also put Josh Stein in the governor’s mansion.

Less than a week after Trump was elected Walters did this:

Walter is strongly rumored to be in the running for the cabinet position once held by Betsy DeVos.

Yes. He wants a Bible in each classroom. And as the OK State Super, he has the power to dictate which version of the Bible would go into those classrooms.

What a coincidence.

They have a price and a printer has to be found. And if it has Trump’s name on it, then there must be a profit margin.

The estimated value of the three separate shipments was $342,000, or less than $3 per Bible, according to databases that track exports and imports. The minimum price for the Trump-backed Bible is $59.99, putting the potential sales revenue at about $7 million.

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