When You Mix Schools, Churches, & Politics In NC, You Get This

Not unheard for Mark Robinson to frequent a church pulpit to campaign with the cloak of Christian love.

However, some of the things he has said about teachers, LGBTQ+ citizens, and other peoples doesn’t feel like it has the love of Jesus in them.

Furthermore, the recent events surrounding Robinson’s past social media posts, its subjects, and the fact the scandal after scandal has erupted around him, having him now stand in a pulpit this close to Election Day may will polarize matters more.

Front page of this morning’s Winston-Salem Journal.

The report opens:

The church lost a couple of members as soon as Pastor Bart Adkins announced it would host a town hall with controversial North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, who’s running for governor.

“I didn’t realize this was a political church,” one of the now former High Point Family Worship Center members said. “I’ve read my Bible and I can’t see that Jesus was political.”

When Pastor Bart Adkins announced his church would host a town hall with controversial Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, some members left.

When Pastor Bart Adkins announced his church would host a town hall with controversial Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, some members left.

“Well, you should probably read it again because if Jesus was anything, he was political on a daily basis,” Adkins countered. “He was challenging the socio-political leaders of his day.”

The 42-year-old, who is also the principal of the church’s school, grew up in this multi-generation congregation and has been its pastor for the last 14 years. The self-described conservative Christian says he’s always kept his political views out of the pulpit.

Jesus was political on a daily basis? Check.

Churches are supposed to stay out of politics in order to keep their tax-exempt status? Check.

Aren’t most tax-funded vouchers in NC going to a religiously affiliated school? Check.

Doesn’t the church in this report have a school? Check.

Isn’t the pastor who hosted Robinson also the principal of that school? Check.

Dammit, vote!

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